Friday, January 12, 2007

waiting in Piura, Northern Peru

got here at 5.45am before the sun had come up. Ecuador-Peru border was not so amusing at 3am. Got my exit stamp from Ecuador easily and then had to walk 100m across the bridge to the Peruvian Immigration Office. No-one there, all the lights were off and we were waiting for ages. Randomly (or maybe not), there was a bunch of men selling chickens right outside the office. They had their legs tied up and just left them lying on the floor. There was a good 10 bunches of tied up chickens. Anyway, they said to bang the door down cause the guy was sleeping upstairs - so we did and guess what, he came down. He asked for a card which i didnt have. I asked him for an immigration form and he gave a migration form. I really couldnt deal with it, so i just filled out whatever he gave me and then handed it back. Then the git just blanked me for ages and dealt with everyone else. He had my passport on his desk and I was eyeing him up for a good 20mins. Eventually he decided to continue with my paperwork and starts asking me the basic quesitons: why you here? have you been to Peru before? are you a member of the Taliban? He gives my passport pic one last good look and feels it up like i´ve forged it and then reluctantly gives me a stamp.

I´ve had to adapt to a different currency - Ecuador was easy with the dollar - and to the uncomfortable dry heat here(by 9am, i was already sticky). I was hoping to get off my night bus and catch another straight down to Lima but the buses to Lima do not leave until 5pm. So now ive got nothing to do for 7 hours.

I should be in Lima by 8am-ish tomorrow and then I want to get another bus to Ica, where i plan to stay for a few days. Lima to Ica is another 5hours so this is going to be one looong journey. I´m basically skipping the whole of northern and central Peru and hitting the southern scene.


Anonymous said...

Manwell - Sim C here. I've been reading your blog regularly and it sounds like you're having the time of your life! Good on you, I say! We thought of you lots on your birthday and over xmas/ny etc. Yours were, by far, more interesting than any of ours!!

Your photos are amazing - it's difficult to imagine how it must feel to be there, seeing and experiencing it all first-hand. Keep them coming!

Peru now, eh? Maybe some of this leg of your journey will be a bit familiar to us - we saw some stuff while on our honeymoon. I'm sure you'll see plenty more than we did, and we absolutely loved it too!

Anyway, I'll leave you for now - loving the blog - makes us feel like you're far but not too far! Enjoy and stay safe. Love and hugs, Sim (and Hitso!) xxx

Anonymous said...

Mate! that sounds like an absolute mission - hope you got there okay in the end! ktxx

Anonymous said...

easy buddy. hope all is well. just thought i'd leave you a quick message. i have refused to read your blog until now cos i knew it would make me jealous, and guess what it did. Bastard! anyway, take care.
