Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Puerto Lopez

Colon, one of many capitans here

one to remind you that there is a horizon but we cant see it so clearly in England
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Manoj...its Toby here!

I forgot that you were doing this blog, but its well quiet at work at the moment so have spent the last hour or so reading it.
i must admit that i was going to comment that it was arranged a bit hap-hazardly but then finally realised that it is just a sroll down thing. I was going to comment that the photos and text were out of sinch when you click on the links on the left hand side...anyway...figured it out now!

so how's it going? It is good to tell people that one's emails/blogs are being read by your mates back home eh?

I am not exactly sure of where these towns are that you comment on - are you in ecuador? and you've finished the volunteering stint (feeling good abouit yourself yeah?) so are making your way across to some of the other countries?
anyway...does sound like you're having a good time, and i hope that you keep some of the 'mates for a couple of days' lot going for new years. when i was on my own in thailand...i would make friends then they would piss off a few days later...annoying isnt it?

It is quite funny that you do look like those locals..haha, like that fishing bloke in the pic! dont they try and marry you off with their daughters?

you've gotta be getting the horn now- yeah? haha, you've been away for ages now...met any nice 'ladies' yet?

quite a few people have been back from uni and for x-mas so football has been fully represented for the past weeks. i havent been out that much, but did make a trip to watford last friday - wank station!
gunna go out tonight thought i think...

started a new job (perm one) at Calyon (french bank - properly french too) - on the trading floor so its quite good.

anyway, take care...and i've saved your blog into my favorites so ill check it next week or so.

No Doubt.