Saturday, November 25, 2006


i was right about not making it to any Spanish lessons this week...made up some food poisoning illness to explain my absence when I went to pay them for the one day i did turn up.

Tuesday night chilled...saw 16 Blocks...good film

Wednesday night..another Cuba Libre night followed by local bar, Bungalow 6...good fun. Went to sleep at six am - Foresst (american who has been living here for 2years - good lad) and a random weird local, who none of us invited, came back to the hostel and we all carried on the Partay. C

Its election day tomorrow (sunday) and yesterday, today+tomorrow have been declared no alcohol days all over Ecuador. Its pretty tense round here at the moment for the locals.. Yesterday saw an army of cars supporting Correa with flags, horning etc going down this street and a tramp went milly at them..almost had a spastic attack. Obviously he is not voting for that dude

We went out on Thursday because of the ban and the town was packed..Foresst told us to go this club called Blue when we met him on Wed. Some people in the hostel lamed out because we didnt leave until 1am. So ´the boys´troopered on and we found Blue. It was dead! DJs banging out the electronica but no-one there. It was a proper Raver´s club and reminded me of the Marcus Garvey (for all u notts crew). Then, we found out that we werent actually in Blue and Blue was actually next door. Off we went. Much more of a party atmosphere and totally packed. Pulled random Ecuadorian and Furg (irish lad) got with her sister. We went back to their pad in the middle of nowhere and got asked why all boys are dicks until 7am. Its not true I told them - it was the 27year old sister (irish´s) that was going on about this and she was a doctor with her own business in some biology stuff - obviously with some serious issues.

Anyway, it was good fun and yesterday was a a v.slow day. Today, went into the old town and soaked up some of the nice architecture. Going for a Ruby Murray tonight and looking forward to it. Back to La Hesperia tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its all about the randoms hey!