Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Last weekend: El Nariz del Diablo and Baños

Had whole of fri, sat and sun off because we get ´long weekends´every other week. Because it was Ali´s last day at La Hesperia on the thurs, I decided to take thurs afternoon off too and meet her and her 2 other friends in Riobamba to see this Devil´s Nose. Didnt really know what it was about expect that you get to ride on an open top train. ´Nice´, I thought.

Found a random hostel in Riobamba for $3 - was like a ghost house with tall ceilings and strictly bare essentials...bed, light, communal tap. Unfortunately it was right on top of a karoke bar and these Ecuadorians were singing away until 3am.....I was up two hours later. The train ride was good - the whole novelty of sitting on top I mean....but the Devil´s Nose was an anticlimax.

After getting back to Riobamba, we went to Baños. Friday night was fairly chilled - just went for a meal and these 2 random german blokes joined us, Bhant and 2beers. Next day it was absolutely pissing it down. The girls and 2beers were being lame so me and Bhant hired some quad bikes for 3 hours. Flipping amazing! I got a manual one and at every opportunity I was doing doughnuts and the like. We went along this main road in the mountains which has off-road tracks for cyclists (and us!!) every so often....So, it was like tarmac-dirt track-tarmac-dirt track-more dirt track-even more dirt track-tarmac-etc.

Saturday night the girls went back to Quito and me and Bhant went to sample the Baños nightlife. Had a laugh with loads of randoms and got chatted up by some 50year old - er,...NO thanks!

Sunday, stumbled out of bed and had to make my way back to La Hesperia....MMMmmmm...sleep...zzz

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