Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Finally in Quito

I´ve been up since 0700. Had some breaky at the hostel and am now on a mission trying to get stuff in order for my volunteering placement which starts tomorrow. Got an induction programme at 1500 today somewhere in this city. I´m having some serious issues with this blog site because all the tabs are written in Spanish!!

Anyway, getting here did not really go according to plan. On Sunday I realised that my flight was from Gatwick and NOT Heathrow as I had been telling everyone - one less hour sleep, screwing. Got to Gatwick and at the check-in the Security Officer had some problems with my tickets. Basically there was a long gap (7 months) between my flight into Ecuador and out of Brazil and he said that I needed a visa because there was no proof that I was not going to be in Ecuador for less than 90 days (thats the number of days all EU citizens get in most countries in SOuth America without having to apply for a visa). After a lot of faffing about he had to condense my holiday down to a total of 90 days - so at the moment I´m supposed to be returning to England at the end of Feb which is not going to happen. I have to phone the airline and blah blah blah to change it back.

So, now I´m on the plane and we´re just being taxied out of our gate when this woman decides she doesn´t want to go to wherever she was going. We have to dock again and the people on the ground have to dig out her bags and then they have to do a full security check to make sure she didn´t plant no bombs...2 hours later we´re pelting it down the runway and now I´m thinking ´shit! this is it!´

Got to Houston where I was supposed to get my connection to Quito but because of that dumb cow (sorry, but I was really cheesed off) I missed the flight - we were landing as it was taking off. The kind people at Intercontinental put me up in a hotel for the night with 3 meals included so it was not all bad...

I´m scanning the breakfast menu at the hotel the next morning and I see Texas Style Omellette - yes, one of those please. It comes about 15mins later and I almost pissed myself because it was so blady big. It came with four slices of toast and that shredded potato stuff too. These Americanos now how to get their munch on!

The flight into Quito passed without any drama and I eventually got to my hostel at 2300 yesterday. Climbed into bed and knocked out (had some dodgey dreams which I´m going to spare you). Now I´m here trying to get organised for tomorrow. It´s not hot at the moment and I think I might have to buy a few jumpers from somewhere. It smells of unburnt fuel here like the smell those rikshaws in India give off, even though all the vehicles are modern - weird.

I´ll post some pics up soon and get some from the leaving do up here too...

Peace out


Anonymous said...

The Missions Begin!

Anonymous said...

oh manjoj miss u already sorry i couldnt make it down for your leaving drinking mash. hope u have a tremendous travelling experience miss our summer love oh manjoj was this i found in your room you dont do that do you tell me the dynamics. lush your stuff behbes take care meera x

Anonymous said...

Yo ManjITO (since you're in the americas). Sorry i couldn't come down to your leaving thing but im feeling the blog. Keep the interesting blogs coming and have a wicked time.

M said...

Meera - 1)you spelt my name wrong twice so im guessing that it wasnt done by mistake and somehow you think my name is manjoj. Its not.
2) Having difficulty understanding what on about (the dynamics bit) but got an idea x

Jaf - mate, already been given a spanish name by some chica in the hostel....Manolo.