Wednesday, November 15, 2006

back in Quito

I´m volunteering at La Hesperia by myself now. Soussane left yesterday. I spent the whole of yesterday afternoon preparing a class for the niños. I never knew how difficult teaching is - you need so much patience! The class was this morning and it went well. Taught them positions like on, in, in front of, behind, inside etc. They´re a right minute they´re your best friend and then they switch and run riots. Its so hard keeping a child engaged for 90mins, especially when you´re teaching something like English! Alexandra told me that they are going to sing a Christmas song for the village on Christmas day and she asked me to teach them the song at the end of my class. I don´t know any Christmas songs!! that one that goes FFIIIVVVEEEE GOOOLLDD RINGS, 4 calling birds, 3 french hens, 2 turtle doves and a portridge in a pear tree? .. is about as much as i know! So i stuck to Jingle Bells, Batmen Smells, Robin laid an egg. Played football with them after...girls vs boys and I was on the girls´ team. Scored a hatrick. GET IN! We won 3-1.

JP is really cool and he has brought me to their office in Quito with Alexandra, their baby Jaun Ignaçia and Mariyam (baby carer who is also the daughter of La Hesperia cook, Elsa - top food by the way!!). We´re staying at Alexandra´s parents house until Monday (I think).

He knows that it is no fun being by yourself and wants me to help with other tasks. Gonna get the proper lowdown tomorrow but the gist of it is to do with their website and marketing strategy..

In a bit / In a piece ( see what i did there - Inner Peace.....u GIMP!)


Anonymous said...

First ever hat trick 4u? see what i did there "for you" hehe

that nose looks bogus but the train ride and senic pics are amazing!

M said...

the nose was bogus! I´ve seen better bits of mountains in Northwood (well maybe not)

Anonymous said...

Hey boss! Seems like you are having a wicked time in Equador. Could you get in touch with the Argentinian girls? Are you planning to visit Brazil as well? Talk soon mate!

M said...

Berndos! how are you? I´m def coming to Brazil and I´m staying with you!!! - so you better be prepared :-) I did manage to get in touch with las chicas...they said to come to their town etc. but not sure when I´m heading to Argentina yet...will def let them know when i do! Good to hear from you and I will be in touch soon