Saturday, November 25, 2006


i was right about not making it to any Spanish lessons this week...made up some food poisoning illness to explain my absence when I went to pay them for the one day i did turn up.

Tuesday night chilled...saw 16 Blocks...good film

Wednesday night..another Cuba Libre night followed by local bar, Bungalow 6...good fun. Went to sleep at six am - Foresst (american who has been living here for 2years - good lad) and a random weird local, who none of us invited, came back to the hostel and we all carried on the Partay. C

Its election day tomorrow (sunday) and yesterday, today+tomorrow have been declared no alcohol days all over Ecuador. Its pretty tense round here at the moment for the locals.. Yesterday saw an army of cars supporting Correa with flags, horning etc going down this street and a tramp went milly at them..almost had a spastic attack. Obviously he is not voting for that dude

We went out on Thursday because of the ban and the town was packed..Foresst told us to go this club called Blue when we met him on Wed. Some people in the hostel lamed out because we didnt leave until 1am. So ´the boys´troopered on and we found Blue. It was dead! DJs banging out the electronica but no-one there. It was a proper Raver´s club and reminded me of the Marcus Garvey (for all u notts crew). Then, we found out that we werent actually in Blue and Blue was actually next door. Off we went. Much more of a party atmosphere and totally packed. Pulled random Ecuadorian and Furg (irish lad) got with her sister. We went back to their pad in the middle of nowhere and got asked why all boys are dicks until 7am. Its not true I told them - it was the 27year old sister (irish´s) that was going on about this and she was a doctor with her own business in some biology stuff - obviously with some serious issues.

Anyway, it was good fun and yesterday was a a v.slow day. Today, went into the old town and soaked up some of the nice architecture. Going for a Ruby Murray tonight and looking forward to it. Back to La Hesperia tomorrow.

thats an Angel in the middle which looks a lot better if you see it for yourselves - its massive and can be seen miles away

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gonna need a better turning circle then that if you want to stay on the road mate


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sewing street
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13 seconds and counting - the green man moves. Technology - aint it wonderful


camera´s this way u mupp
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Jules and his photography tricks....

all the buses drive around with their bonnets up for some reason

grid lock

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fresh juices it

Jules, Dubai n moi....the club was empty!

Furg (Irish), dont know the Canadian blokes name and Jules. Hhonestly, we were the only people was a one-off techno night....the event manager failed miserably!
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think i´ve seen it all....forget selling food/drinks on the street...find out your weight instead

policia keeping the peace the day before voting for the next President

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Policia rolling around with sword in their hands

two kids wanting to clean my shoes...No the end they settled for a picture

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Tuesday, November 21, 2006


I lied. Didnt go back to La Hesperia..

On Sunday I couldnt get hold of JP or Alexandra so I decided to stay in Quito - turns out they are staying too cause not much was done in the previous 3 days. Im going back on Saturday/Sunday and another volunteer is coming on Monday so hopefully I wont go insane - too much ´Me-Time´is not good for the brain! You start asking yourself stupid questions and thinking some weird stuff..

Anyway, I´ve started to read this childrens Spanish book and am trying to teach myself more of the wonderful language this week before starting volunteering again. What a Mission! Its like im studying again and to be honest thats the last thing I want to do..but I really want to communicate with the locals more.

Staying in this hostel called Centro del Mundo and its probably the worst mistake I made cause its party central and im never gonna learn Spanish this week. Last night was my first taste of the infamous Cuba Libre night - its every MOn, Wed and Fri. Big bucket full of rum and coke in the middle of the lounge and everyone getting slightly laysh..I only had a few helpings (seriously) but this morning I struggled to get out of bed. Its nasty cheap liquor that makes you feel ruff the next day - you all know what I mean.

By the way, - i have to drop this in - yesterday was the first time that a local guessed correctly that I am Indian!!! I was amazed.. it was the owner of the tiny cafe that I had dinner at last night ($1.60 for soup, fish and rice - very very good food). Everyone assumes that I´m one of them but this woman starts asking me questions about India etc. Shocking behaviour.

The night was very random..started off talking to this South Korean bloke and he was explaining his (very different!!) culture/country. He was the first East Asian i´ve seen out here and was telling me how he gets so many looks cause most of these people have never seen an Oriental person before..Dubai - think his name is Farooj but we all call him Dubai - and Lauren, girl from Aussyland got really pissed and were entertaining everyone. The topic of conversation evolved into mating and animalistic behaviour/fetishes and Lauren came out with my new favourite saying...Beastyality.

Juan Ignaçia - JP and Alexandra´s baby boy
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