Monday, February 05, 2007


Peru-Bolivia border crossing was the most lax crossing i´ve ever encountered...i swear you could have walked through with 10elephants and no-one would have stopped you..well maybe not 10 but at least 2.

Found somewhere to stay overlooking Lake Titicaca which was cool and i must have slept for more than 16hours on and off on 1stFeb. I´m telling you, your body needs to adjust to being 3800m+ above sea level and i did it by sleeping....lots! So, Friday 2nd Feb was a big day for the people of Copacabana and it showed....lots and lots of drunk men and women! The fiestas started on thurs but i didnt get involved that much (too busy sleeping) but i did hear the music start up again at 0400 on fri! They partied hard and it showed..

The music faded away as the bands got more drunk (and couldnt be bothered to play anymore) and we ended up in this random little hippie joint. (So many Argentinians here by the way; all with massive mullets selling bracelets/ear-rings/other hippy stuff on the street). Stepped inside and there was a guy dressed up in a baby´s nappy performing weird ´art´...acting they called it?!? I couldnt stay silent and watch this dude make baby noises, roll about on the floor and shout random stuff so I had to leave. I accidently locked out Tyler and Paul and they had to sleep in another room in our hotel. The next morning the manager was brewing at me saying that i had to pay for the extra room and blah blah blah.. the thing is the muppet didnt even have a spare key for the room (or any of the rooms!!!) to let them in and I gave him a piece of my mind - how can a hotel not have spare keys? Anyway, then he threatened to call the police and blah blah blah and i was like okay, take 40Bs (about 2.60 sterling, initially he wanted 100Bs) and buy yourself some spare keys. Picked up my backpack and left.

Bring on La Paz!

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